Friday, August 12, 2011

Thursday, August 11 . . . Four Months!!!

monthly baby photo

Four months already. In some ways, four months seems so short -- if you'd only been playing a sport or playing a musical instrument for four months, no one would blame you for sucking at it. However, in Life with a Baby Land, four months feels like a year - a year that went by in a second. Where we were a third of a year ago is unrecognizable from where we are now. Hell, the BABY is unrecognizable from when he was born. We have to adapt so quickly to so many things, or simply learn to survive them, there's no time to dwell and savor and revel in the minutiae of the day. The days moves so fast that at the very moment when I feel I have a moment to stop. breathe. . savor. . . . crap, I feel asleep for a minute. Ok, time's up, time to run again!

Things my 4-month-old can do:

Reach out for things
Gimme Gimme

Put those things in his mouth

Sleep for several hours not necessarily on top of me (though Mommy is still usually necessary)
Nap time

Smile at everyone

"Laugh" . . . I put quotes around it because I still haven't heard it, and therefore don't believe Daddy when he swears he heard it.
Happy Face

Play games with himself, like splashing in the tub and throwing his Pooh blanket off his Bumbo tray and then looking to see where it went.

Charm the hair bows off the pre-schoolers at day care. They ask if they can watch him instead of the teachers.
Die Hard, from the start.

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