Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012 ... 17 Months!


That's so close to 18 months, which scares me a lot.

This kid is super smart. And it's not just me saying that. The teachers at daycare, our parents, random people on the street who overhear him saying things like "Juice" and "Yellow".

New Words:
Bubbah (bubbles = waves from a boat)
Boe (boat)
Cah (car)
Caa (cat, accompanied by sign)
Stuh (stuck)
Boo (book)
Yeh-yoe (yellow)

New Skills:
He goes by himself to the window to look at the buses.
The Bus Window

He can go get the stool and use it to climb up onto the couch.

He can put a crayon inside the rings of a notebook.

He can eat with a spoon and a fork.

He runs from the other room to point out a Clue on Blue's Clues.

He sings!

He sits down and colors.

He eats crazy things like steak and corn on the cob.
(like he eats the corn right off the cob, not just sucking on it.)

He makes it really obvious when he's pooping, and will say "yes" when I ask. We've attempted to sit on the potty a few times -- usually too late to catch a poop, once too early. Not worried.

He comes along with mommy when she's running errands! He LOVES the bus (though it still more exited to see a picture of a bus than to be ON the bus).
On the bus!

Hardware store with Mommy

And his most random, favorite game ... going through momma and dadda's wallets.
Mommy's Wallet

First haircut
First trip to Ruffit (and first boat ride, first swimming in the lake).
First ride on a fire truck (though it wasn't really moving)

(Note: he is such a handful that we almost into the 18 month post without finishing the 17 month post. So I don't really remember all the awesome stuff he did. oops).

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